Night Guards

Dentist in Bellingham, WA

Sometimes children or adults may have bruxism, or teeth grinding, during sleep. This is commonly seen during growth periods or times of stress, and is often minor and may cause little or no issue. In some cases, however, excessive grinding during sleep can lead to chipping or wearing of the teeth or even discomfort or pain in the jaw.

When this occurs, your dentist may advise the use of a custom nightguard to protect your teeth from further damage. A nightguard is a custom-made oral appliance worn over the teeth while sleeping. This prevents the teeth from grinding against one another overnight, which not only protects the teeth from immediate damage, but can also serve to help break the unconscious habit of bruxism and protect your teeth from this kind of damage in the future.

Love Dentistry
4101 Eliza Ave. Bellingham, WA 98226
(360) 752-1600

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